Indigenous American Languages
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As a complement to our Pocomtuc language information, we would like to share our
collection of indexed links about the Pocomtuc people and various aspects of their society. The emphasis
of these pages is on American Indians as a living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Pocomtuc history is interesting and
important, but the Mohican Indians are still here now, too, and we try to feature modern authors as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary artwork as well as museum pieces, and the issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
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Our Pocomtuc Websites
Pocomtuc Language:
Pronunciation guide and language learning materials from the Mohican/Pocumtuc Indian language.
Pocomtuc Facts for Kids:
Questions and answers about Pocomtuc culture.
Mohican and Pocomtuc Legends:
Collection of Pocomtuc Indian legends and folktales.
Maps of Pocomtuc Lands
Southern New England:
Maps of early Pocumtuck and other New England Indian territory.
Massachusetts Indian Map
Connecticut Indian Map:
Tribal maps showing where the original territory of the Pocomtuc Indians and their neighbors was.
Pocomtuc History and Lifestyle
Pocumtuc History:
Tribal history of the Pocumtuc or Pocomtuck Indians, by Lee Salzman.
Pocomtuc Indian Tribe History:
Article on Pocomtuc history and genealogy.
Four Directions Institute: Pocomtuc:
Timeline and links about the tribe.
Who were the Pocumtuc Indians?:
Essay on Pocomtuck history and traditions.
Native Americans of the Connecticut River Valley:
Archaeological essay on the Wampanoag, Nipmuc, and Pocumtuc tribes and their ancestors.
Algonquian Lodge
Native Dress
Native American Weaponry:
Pocomtuc and other Algonquian Indian houses, clothing, and artifacts.
We Are Still Here:
Articles about the life of Pocumtuc and other New England Algonquian tribes in the present day.
Books for sale on the Pocomtucs
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Schmick's Mahican Dictionary
Observations on the Mahican Language:
Books on the language once spoken by the Pocomtuc Indians.
The Pocumtuck Indians:
History of the Pocumtuck tribe.
The Pocumtuck Diaspora:
Story of the dissolution of the Pocumtuck tribe.
Spirit of the New England Tribes:
History and folklore of the Pocumtucks and other tribes of Southern New England.
Native American Books:
Evolving list of books about Pocomtucs and Native Americans in general.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Pocomtuc Tribe
Encyclopedia article about the Pocumtucs.
Pueblo Pocomtuck:
Information about the Pocomtucs in Spanish.
Pocumtuc Tribe:
Pocumtuc links.

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Native American genealogy
Native drums
Trail of Tears memorial
Andean ridge
Tribal tattoos
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